LOL.....Fastest way to ruin your credibility is to call a routine THE just so happens that routine you linked is pretty good, and it is much, much better than what 90% of gym rats do......a 'routine' really is not a routine though, it is a snapshot in time....and there is no 'best' routine, there is an optimal (or as close to optimal as possible) way of training for a given trainee for a temporary period of time......if your big lifts are going up, you're doing okay, all any routine is, is a way of organizing your training to foster progress....when progress stalls, you need to know the underlying theory behind what you are doing, so you can tweak it......changing routines and complete overhaul is the best way to spin your wheels and become frustrated, you need to look at training beyond "days/sets/reps/exercises"....once you see beyond the voo-doo crap, it's really as simple as kepp getting better.
I've been the subject of "He's juicing rumors" since middle school......take 'em as a compliment.