Sun - 1/21/07-
Go Bears!
Had to clear out for a 4 hr window to accommodate 2 realtors showing my house. Spent 2 hrs runnign errands and wandering around Target. Then hit the gym for a light chest & tris, and then hit a yoga class. That was pretty cool. I'm still sore as crap from the massage therapist the other day.
Training: chest & tris
- stuck to incline bench as flat seems to spaz out my back these days
- incline DB + hi cable fly: 25/12 + 15/12, 30/12 + 15/12, 35/12 + 15/12
- HS seated press + low cable fly: 45/12 + 7/12 x 3
- knuckle pushups: 15 x 3
- skull crushers + close grip press: 40/12+12 x 3
- rope cable tri press + DB kick backs: 40/12 + 15/12 x 3
Oh and I bought one of those foam rollers from Target today. Watched the video w/ the exercises real quick tonite. Good stuff! My back is too sore from the work over from the massage therapist to do that, but other stuff felt good.