Yesterday I was pissed at myself for taking so long on the workout I did that I made myself do an extra ladder from 1-14(on the min) of pushups. So my pushup count is 100+105=205+50 burpees at the beginning of the workout. My chest and shoulders are SMOKED. Wednesday's update will be up shortly.
Rest....I needed a day off so I didn't try to push myself past the breaking point. Have been feeling like crap since my wisdom teeth have been coming in and the right side of my jaw is swollen. Ugh...
Didn't feel much better than I did Wednesday and that bodyweight workout I did made me sore as shit. My abs are on fire and going from a lying to kneeling or standing position is not pleasant. I know bodyweight workouts will always make me insanely sore but this is a little ridiculous! Did a 150 second plank as part of the plank challenge my cousin convinced me to do. Other than that trying to take it easy since I have to work late this weekend.
Still sore WTF?!!! I guess I should have expected my body to react the way it has I'm always pushing myself mentally and in the process my body takes a beating here and there ha. Going to do some quick rehab and leg stuff before work at 10 so I will post when I get home. I promise I will stay on top of my log better than I have the past few days I've just been feeling lousy from my wisdom teeth since appetite is off and my jaw feels like it's the size of Montana. I go in for consultation next Wednesday though so hopefully these fuckers get taken out soon! What is everyone doing for the rest of the weekend?