I'm somebody who knows how to do a lift properly. That is all I am saying... Because somebody has competed in a competition means nothing in this matter. I competed in a golf tournament last year.... That doesn't mean I know more than my friend that has never competed... The idiot beats me every time... MOYA, you have experience in competitions good job and I am not even trying to say you aren't strong for your weight because you are but your form needs work (that deadlift above is much better form that the other one I have seen of you. the one I was referring to was posted a few months ago. I saw it in your youtube channel and it was in a post on here a while ago). The fact that I have not competed changes nothing and in no way means that I don't know a lot on the matter... That is ridiculous. How about the fact that in the last four years I have gone from 160 lbs to 218 (at my biggest) with about 10% bf, before ever touching anything resembling gear.... Guess that means nothing because I don't care to get up on stage.... He goes heavy, no doubt and I wasn't even trying to put him down at all until he started talking sh%%. His squats are pretty beast. I was simply saying that if you lift like that, then there is a good chance you will hurt yourself and that it is unsafe to use poor form, whether you are a powerlifter or not. Anybody who doesn't agree with that, to me, needs some schooling. I am done talking about this. Be careful bro. Don't want to see anybody getting hurt...