gym junkie...I AM JAY CUTLER. ahahaha
and actually closer to 70 pounds. but that doesnt matter. And your right, he can squat quite a bit more than me. And I have seen a COUPLE videos with him actually using good form. On his powerlifting lifts(except bench) he has pretty damn good form. Ill give credit where credit is due, Moya is a damn beast under the squat rack.
but using a weight that is CLEARLY TOO HEAVY and throwing it around without working the target mucsle and squeezing through the whole range of motion is incredibly UNIMPRESSIVE to me. I dont give a f how much you can do if you aint doin it right. It looks ridiculous, is unsafe and not as productive as if you dropped the ego at the door and use some weight that is going to improve your physique AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. I would of been way impressed if he would of dropped the weight 100 lbs and actually used good form. Not that anyone gives a F about impressing me but damn.....U cant honestly tell me that shit didnt look sloppy.
I re read my post, and ya it came out pretty dickish. I didnt mean for it to come out that way when I wrote it. so I apologize to those I pissed off. But I stick to my opinion and my statement.