Some of these guys take this just as seriously as bodybuilding:
Ok Guys,
I am going to jump in and finally really keep track of this thing. Now that I have my BIB Hanger going, I hope for some gains over time.
All measurements will be after 48 hours rest (i.e. Monday mornings).
Pre-PE............6 1/2"........5 1/2"
7/10/01..........6 3/4"........5 3/4" (start of BIB Hanger)
8/10/01..........6 3/4"........5 3/4" (60 min. BH 10-15 lbs)
9/10/01..........6 7/8" .......5 3/4" (60 min. BH 15-17 lbs)
10/8/01..........7 0"...........5 3/4" (60 min. BH 17.5lbs.)
11/12/01........7 0"...........5 3/4" (60 min. BH 18.75lbs.)
12/10/01........7 0"...........5 3/4" (30-60 min. BH 18.75lbs.)
My routine since starting the BH (7/10/01) consists of about 60 minutes hang time (3x20min) 4-5x/week with the BIB Hanger ("BH") and I am now up to 18.75 lbs. After that, I do 5-15 minutes of jelq/squeezes and uli3. I pump occassionally for fun and regularly do Kegels. This past month things have been pretty lax in pursuit of PE (damn wife and work). But I am going to really get at it this next month. I had a great 2 hour hanging session after measuring this morning.
Hope to join the ranks of real gainers in the coming months. Thanks to BIB (and others) for finally getting me to focus on gains no matter how long it takes, damnit!!