Thanks man, actually did both stretches as part of my pre squat stretch routine today and it definitely helped!
Deadlift and OHP
Did some light sets with 3x5x135, wore the belt very loose so I could feel pushing my core out and arching my back. Technique wasn't perfect but much better than the last 2 times.
Strict Press
Worked up to 2x465. Recorded that set and also 3x365, here's the links to both:
365 clean:
Deadlift 3x365 - YouTube
465 sh*tty:
Deadlift 465x2 - YouTube
Definitely know it's hamstring weakness because my 365 was good but 465 technique broke down. Will be prioritizing Good mornings now
Good Mornings
15x95 lbs just to punish my hamstrings for being weak b*tches.
Pretty good day today. Kind of interesting thing happened this morning, I recently ordered a stimulant product called Black Widow Energy which includes caffeine, ephedra extract, and yohimbe bark extract, and I was reading reviews that said to start with very little and work your way up. Was bored this morning since all my friends are in school and my school doesn't start till Sept 22nd, so I took a little less than half a pill. The dosage is 3 pills. Keep in mind I almost never drink coffee, so I have no tolerance to stimulants. Within 10 mins, I had no appetite, and a ton of energy. I wanted to go for a run or something. Although my heart probably would have exploded. My heart rate before was 64-68 (my HR goes up when I test it, so I'm probably sitting more around 60), but once I was on it, I was too ADD to test my HR, but it was probably 80 or 90. I listened to a slayer album (forgot which one) and it sounded amazing because my mind was running fast, and the album was running fast. I felt pretty high strung and just powered through some pre-term chem HW, somehow had fun with it till I got stuck, then played some video games while listening to slayer and everything was way more intense than usual. Finally I got so jumpy that I just wanted to go work out, so I headed to the gym to do my deadlifts.
Once I was there I was powering through everything, somehow I managed to muster up the focus to do my stretches, and got pretty good technique on my squats as a result. OHP was pretty good, the 8th rep on the 3rd set was a pretty big grinder but I had a ton of energy and explosivity on all the reps leading up to it. Did band pull aparts between every set, shoulders felt great, though my left shoulder socket has been a little sore since tuesday, did some external rotations after and it felt much better. Didn't want to reaggravate it doing bradford presses though, so I just focused on my deads. Started to slow down on deads, but I was still a little extra energetic, so I was using pretty short rest periods on that. Was listening to Children of Bodom the whole time, a band I've kind of fallen out of love with over the years, as they became sh*tty, but since my mind was running so fast it sounded awesome. Now that I'm home and it's been about 4 hours since I took the half pill, I still have a slight energy high, but I feel pretty normal, heart rate is 60-64 again, and my mind feels just a little fast. Either way, had a good day today, training was pretty fun and efficient, even if I was a bit ADD/distracted from the pill. Pretty excited to start my cut because I literally feel unrelentingly positive when I'm on this stimulant, with only slight anxiety/jitteriness as side effects. Also I'm looking bigger and leaner in the mirror after training, even after my pump has faded, my traps look huge in the mirror. Really good day today.