My routine I have been using:
Monday: chest bi's
incline bench 4x6-12
flat bench 4x6-12
decline bench 4x6-12
flyes 4x6-12
straight bar 3x6-8
ez bar 3x6-8
hammer curls 3x6-8
Tuesday: back tri's
cable rows
reverse pulldowns
DB rows
lower back stretch with 2 45s
close grip bench
Wednesday: shoulders
military press
front rasies
side raises
reverese flyes
upright rows
Thursday: Legs Abs
leg extentions
seated calf
standing calfs
leg press
Friday: off
Saturday: Mondays workout
Sunday: Off
Monday: Tuesdays workout
I keep cycling it this way I hit every body part once and one body part twice a week.
week 1: Mon Tues Wed Thurs Mon
week 2: tues wed thurs mon tues
week 3: wed thurs mon thues wed
week 4: thurs mon tues wed thurs
back to week 1..kinda confusing
i change and alternate exc every week between BB, DB, machines. I also change up the movement itself. instead of ez curls ill do cable curls, instead of DB rows ill do Tbar rows etc...
Monday: chest bi's
incline bench 4x6-12
flat bench 4x6-12
decline bench 4x6-12
flyes 4x6-12
straight bar 3x6-8
ez bar 3x6-8
hammer curls 3x6-8
Tuesday: back tri's
cable rows
reverse pulldowns
DB rows
lower back stretch with 2 45s
close grip bench
Wednesday: shoulders
military press
front rasies
side raises
reverese flyes
upright rows
Thursday: Legs Abs
leg extentions
seated calf
standing calfs
leg press
Friday: off
Saturday: Mondays workout
Sunday: Off
Monday: Tuesdays workout
I keep cycling it this way I hit every body part once and one body part twice a week.
week 1: Mon Tues Wed Thurs Mon
week 2: tues wed thurs mon tues
week 3: wed thurs mon thues wed
week 4: thurs mon tues wed thurs
back to week 1..kinda confusing
i change and alternate exc every week between BB, DB, machines. I also change up the movement itself. instead of ez curls ill do cable curls, instead of DB rows ill do Tbar rows etc...