lol, Tacoma? Im a Detroiter moving from Michigan. I lived up north of Seattle near Northgate mall.
Lived downtown, worked at Prov downtown, NW hospital, out in the swedish parts etc...
I really dislike Seattle though with the traffic and the weather, Portland is better in weather and traffic. Summers are awesome
lol, Tacoma? Im a Detroiter moving from Michigan. I lived up north of Seattle near Northgate mall.
Lived downtown, worked at Prov downtown, NW hospital, out in the swedish parts etc...
I really dislike Seattle though with the traffic and the weather, Portland is better in weather and traffic. Summers are awesome
Boise is better than Spookyville from what I understand I spent 18 months in Sp world and it sucked. I mean Im somewhat conservative by Seattle standards but there I was like WTF?
Boring and boring, been to Boise once though. I cant imagine it being any worse and the economy is horrible in Eastern washington but the prices for houses and living are like tons lower.
Tacoma is alright, I like Portland though in comparison. Ive spent time in Everett and Bellingham too.
I just like the weather down here more