CB38AC said:
debaser I think you got me wrong here... I love the program but the last week to two have been disapointing...
I experienced something similar after about seven or eight weeks of DC training.
My solution was to take a week off and train lighter for a week thereafter. If I was really thinking straight I would probably
still be training somewhat light.
And I'm doing lower dose gear and made great gains its just hard to think about more than 4=5 days off when the last 7 weeks have been my best training ever... My body would NEVER go over 215 and liked 210 but now I'm hovering around 220 with less BF... Definetly believe in this program but just upset with my regression
Even with guys on sauce, DC recommends 4 weeks "on," as in on gear, and on top of your training; after that, you take two off--off gear, training [like a jerk] off.
I understand how you feel, not wanting to take time off given your success with the program...but then again, as you just said,
it's not working for you right NOW, is it?
There is a reason for that. Overtraining. On a workout by workout basis, no, it doesn't seem likely, but stress is cumulative. If nothing else, it's mentally draining to have to be at maximum output for months on end. TAKE A BREAK!
When you return to hard training, you will thank yourself for doing so. You won't lose anything from a few days off and training light for a bit. It's the only way you can set yourself up for another big push later on.
Sorry to be a bit redundant, but you need to accept the fact that you're momentarily overtrained before you can take an informed course of action, be it take some time off and ease up in the gym (good idea) or switch to a different routine (IMO, not such a great idea...your CNS still needs the down-time).