Lguy00 said:this hole conversation is fucken retarded. if you don't like someone because they are interested in doing something to there body or have different goals than you and still work just as hard just for something else your ignorant and jelious. this goes out to everyone. in my opinion if you see a guy or a girl in a gym busting their ass for any type of goal, good for them and they should be proud of what they are doing. these people aren't sitting around verbally abusing people but they are the ones in the gym putting up the big weight and not making excuses. give me good karma give me bad karma i don't give a fuck. this conversation is rediculous
i sooo totally agree with you, as i said earlier i dont consider myself a bodybuilder in above post, but i dont consider myselft a wannabe, i dont want to be 250 lbs way up there, i dont want to do steroids or any of that, i have appreciation and lots of it for what i do, since when is wanting to not be overweight (by not competing, but EnjoyinG training and dieting and the hobby you have) being a pretty boy annoying wannabe, i think you guys should lighten up, so you only can go to the gym if you are a competitive bodybuilder or powerlifter, otherwise you are annoying. earlier when cubanito said he loves this and he loves thinking about his powerlifting routines and ocming on here, it is his absolute hobby, i knew exactly how he felt. i dont consider myself a competitive bodybuilder, but i dont consider myself an annoying wannabe and i have appreciation for what disciplie i maintain.