Ok... The length of time it's been since I regularly faithfully posted is the amount of time it's been since I've gotten my second steady state cardio session done with enough intention to actually post while doing it.
I have been getting the HIIT done religiously, and my lifts always get completed but this "extra" session often falls victim to the "late afternoon nix".
Some of my favorite rationalizations include:
- "it was a very active day." [Coughing. Bullshit. Coughing]. As if I've ever had an inactive day that didn't involve being very sick or injured.
- "my clients kept me moving", as though there aren't enough fat trainers on this planet to prove that watching others sweat does not = sweating oneself.
- "I don't really get my heart rate up doing steady state anyway so that walk I will take with my mom can count, plus the chores I did plus...." Anytime complex calculations must be employed to identify my cardio quota I have not met my requirement.
- "There are more important things in life." If I let this get in the way of brushing my teeth they would fall out of my head. It's akin to not stopping to put fuel in my car because I don't want to "lose time". Loser's logic.
- "I will just get sweaty." Duh.
- "My hair is so dry and I don't want to have to shampoo again." Really?
- "I'm too full."
- "I'm too hungry."
- "I'm too tired."
- "I'm too fat/thin." Depends which way the wind is blowing and has more to do with my mood than any real physiologic changes.
And so here I am, back on the step mill. Hope you guys got to enjoy the snapshot into the craziness.
2 minutes left and this post doesn't leave my screen until all 120 seconds have ticked by with me still moving. Deal.