Hey Peeps...
On the tmill for some AM incline walking... Nothing too serious here. Just setting up a base. Trying to adhere to my own advice of doing as little as possible to get the fat off. It is so tempting to make my diet severe (it's clean, but nourishing) to put my cardio through the roof, but that stuff will only help with the last few lb, and I definitely need a more long term strategy.
The problem right now is I'd like about 16 weeks for show prep but that lands me at the end of November/early December and there is NOT a lot in the NPC then. I will schedule something about a month sooner as a backup... I think part of my problem last time was I peaked too early and didn't realize it, so then I was hanging on for about 6 weeks at 11% body fat waiting to take off the last couple percent right before my show. The problem was that maintaining that leanness required a lot of training and dieting that set me up for injury. I don't want to do that again, but here I feel I need a long prep again... My solution for now is to book multiple shows and go to the ones I'm ready for.
So... That being said, if anyone knows of an NPC show (even better if it's a national qualifier) around that time, let a sister know pronto
Curious to know how people are doing?! FC, D, slat? Where are our good mods Radar, Zed and OWL (and Mitch)? C'mon broettes and bros... I need the team to reassemble. I'm sorry I was gone for so long!!!
On the tmill for some AM incline walking... Nothing too serious here. Just setting up a base. Trying to adhere to my own advice of doing as little as possible to get the fat off. It is so tempting to make my diet severe (it's clean, but nourishing) to put my cardio through the roof, but that stuff will only help with the last few lb, and I definitely need a more long term strategy.
The problem right now is I'd like about 16 weeks for show prep but that lands me at the end of November/early December and there is NOT a lot in the NPC then. I will schedule something about a month sooner as a backup... I think part of my problem last time was I peaked too early and didn't realize it, so then I was hanging on for about 6 weeks at 11% body fat waiting to take off the last couple percent right before my show. The problem was that maintaining that leanness required a lot of training and dieting that set me up for injury. I don't want to do that again, but here I feel I need a long prep again... My solution for now is to book multiple shows and go to the ones I'm ready for.
So... That being said, if anyone knows of an NPC show (even better if it's a national qualifier) around that time, let a sister know pronto

Curious to know how people are doing?! FC, D, slat? Where are our good mods Radar, Zed and OWL (and Mitch)? C'mon broettes and bros... I need the team to reassemble. I'm sorry I was gone for so long!!!