New member
I never trained WSB, but I am familiar with it for the most part.....Have you ever tried jump squats as your DE squat exercise? I always thought they might be helpful in a WSB routine......Also, snatch-grip deadlifts hit things not normally hit doing them with a normal, closer grip......You could also try behind-the-neck push jerks to assist your explosion off the chest in flat benching......Personally, I don't notice direct carry-over from overhead to bench while incorporating both of them, but if I do something like Incline Presses on Mon, and Overhead or Push Presses on Thurs for 2 months, when I concentrate again on flat benching, I always PR within 3 weeks, and keep dong so fo weeks and weeks..... I also sometimes stand in a power rack and overhead press and set the pins so that the bar taps the safties at the top of each rep, then on my last rep I drive the bar into the pins for maybe 5 seconds.....But what has worked for me is to scrap benching for a while and concentrate on shoulders, I always feel great when I get back on a bench, I bench raw, and knock on wood, everytime I center a program around overheads and can finish my cycle with around 315 for a single on a strict OHP, then do a training cycle geared towards benching, my max at the end of the cycle is always at least in the 435 range. So, from my own experience, I can't say enough about shoulder strength assisting the bench press, just when cycled, not doing say BP on mon and OP on thurs.