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When I saw the movie Food, Inc. not only was I thoroughly disgusted with the overconsumption and waste in this country, and it all started back in the day when good old McDonalds came along.
McDonalds was an overnight sensation and is now in every country, town, island, even Eskimos can a Big Mac w/fries. But not only are the huge fast-food companies, but also the USDA (whose board members coincidentally are CEO’s and CFO’s of large corporations all dealing with the growing of corn, and ending in the production of so-called meat) along with our friendly pharmaceutical companies, also tightly knit into the aforesaid circles of people are responsible for the horrifying truths about our foods. All of this information is available, yet very few know or want to know. When I ask people if they have ever seen the movie Food, Inc. I usually get the response of yeah well I heard about it and I don’t want to watch it because I don’t want to stop eating meat. The point is… it’s not really meat anymore. I had a friend come over for a BBQ one day and she took a bite of our grass fed beef hamburgers, and she spit it out saying ewe, this tastes like meat! That’s exactly the point, isn’t meat supposed to taste like meat.
McDonald’s realized that in order to be the same in every franchise, the meat had to be the same, taste the same, raised the same way, slaughtered the same way, you get the picture. So now all the meat consumed in the U.S. is raised & killed in the U.S. If you were born in the U.S. chances are you have only tasted beef from corn fed cows raised in confinement.
Here is where corn comes in.
The original corn seed came up from Mexico and used by the American Indians was very high in protein and very low in starch.
Due to high productivity the corn is now high in starch and contains barely any protein. This means corn has NO nutritional value and are only empty calories causing adverse metabolic effects on the human body. These adverse metabolic effects are the leading cause of higher cases of Type ll Diabetes. Diabetes is caused because the blood sugar is higher than the pancreas can control, or keep in the normal range. 1 in 8 New Yorkers have Type ll diabetes, which has no cure and never goes away, due to their consumption of 139 Gallons of soda each year in Brooklyn ALONE. In the last 20 years humans are drinking more calories than ever before. Drinking calories bypasses the body’s recognition of the calories leading to the explosion of obesity in this country.
Let’s take a look at it this way:
1 acre produces generally 10,000 lbs of corn.
32% of this is exported, or turned into ethanol.
490 lbs become sweeteners or otherwise known as HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup) and 70% of that goes to produce sweeteners for BEVERAGES alone.
One half of the crop 5500 lbs is fed to all the animals that will become meat consumed by us.
60% of the 5500 goes directly to feeding cows housed in major confinement feed lots.
100 years ago all cows grazed and ate grass and hay as their diet. Eating grass took years before the cow weighed enough to eat. Cows are now fed corn because instead of years they get to slaughter weight in 140 days. However, cows aren’t meant to eat corn, so the more corn they eat the more acids are produced in their stomach, their PH levels drop causing acidosis and if not treated the cow will die. So in order to stop the cows from dying they are given antibiotics.
Here is where the pharmaceutical companies come in.
70% of the antibiotics produced in the United States are consumed by livestock to allow them to survive the acidosis and to deal with the filthy life in confinement.
Starting in 1970 there was a huge increase in production of corn and a huge investment was made to the corn sweetener industry trying to come up with a way to deal with all the excess corn. The Corn Refiners Association came up with corn syrup. Prior to 1970 NO ONE ate High fructose Corn syrup, and corn syrup made at the time was too expensive. Now, High fructose Corn syrup is the main ingredient in all our processed food.
The cheaper food that people are buying is not healthy. McDonalds is the leading downfall to American health and obesity. Eating a McDonald’s meal is eating an entire meal made of corn. The meat for the burgers is made from corn fed cows. (One hamburger has pieces of 900 cows in it). The saturated fat content of meat has changed due to the corn diet of cows. A normal T-Bone steak from a cow raised wild eating grass is 3 grams, where the same T-Bone from a confined cow is 9 grams. Hamburger meat is now fat disguised as meat. The soda is corn made entirely of HFCS. In the french fries half of the calories come from the fat they are fried in which is corn or soy oil.
Iowa ALONE produces enough corn to feed the entire U.S. They grew 2 trillion corn plants, the largest crop in U.S. history. However, this is all Commodity corn that is feed to stock. None of this can be eaten. It must be processed first. We are now growing the poorest quality crops ever. 1 bushel of corn pays the farmer $1.65 per bushel. It is not the value of the crops that makes the farmers money; it is the government subsidy payments that keep the farmers going. Subsidy programs have been developing over the last thirty years that reward the overproduction of cheap corn. Due to these subsidy programs the production of corn is kept going full blast resulting in mountains and mountains of corn.
The government will subsidize the Happy Meals, but not the Healthy meals.
(The statistics used in this write up were taken from the movie King Corn).
So the next time you have a craving for a McDonald's Big Mac, or in the drive thru for a Happy Meal for your children, please rethink what you are ingesting...it really doesn't take much more effort to eat healthy.
Don't contribute to this country's epidemic.
Just my two cents!!!
my ADD won't permit me to read this ^^^^
that said, for the vast majority of us, carbs in general are empty calories...they should be used as treats (i.e., sparingly) or not at all.