Good shoulder day this morning. Took the advice and went a little lighter but focused on slowing the reps down quite a bit. Did 90 pounds per side on the overhead press. Idea was to complete 3 sets of 8 with 90, next week 3 sets of 9 with 90 and then do 3 sets 10 with 90. After that I will increase the weight by 5 pounds and start over at 8 reps. 90 pounds felt a bit light but slowing the reps down made up for it.
Hammer overhead press: 70x12 90x8 90x8 90x8
Reverse fly: 100x12 100x12 100x12
Lateral raise: 15x15 15x12 15x12
Plate loaded shrugs: 205x20 245x15 245x15
Facepulls: 120x15 120x15 120x15