Week 1-4 250mgs Omna eod
Week 1-10 800mgs T200 taken in divided doses
Week 1-10 600mgs Ttokkyo Deca in divided doses
Week 1-3 150mgs Anadrol ed split up 3x a day
Week 4-6 100mgs d-ball ed split up 4x a day
Week 11-16 Fina 80mgs ed
Week 11-16 Winny tabs 60mg ed taken in divided doses
Week 13-16 50mgs anadrol to keep muscles full
Week 1-16 4 ius HGH taken mon-fri
Week 1-6 10 ius insulin post work-out w/creatine
may take 10ius upon rising in am also
Week 11-16 Clen taken 2 days on 2 days off
Week 13-16 T3 starting at 25 mcg working up to 100
and tapering back down
Week 1-8 Arimidex @ .25 mg ed
Week 13-16 1 tab Nolvadex
Week 13-16 1 tab proviron
Clomid to come off w/ off course, w/ proviron to balance out my mood.
Fina will be taken transdermal, at this point I'll be sick of needles.
I'm currently 6 feet 240lbs 6 weeks off from last cycle. Have done many cycle w/high dosages.
This cycle will be in prep for show. Dont see much since in doing this much gear just for hobby sake.
Oh, and milk thistle, cranberry extract, primrose oil, vit c , vit e, zinc, and saw palmetto taken throughout.
I'm kinda hoping this cycle brings me to the next level.
I'm sure I'm forgetting something.
My only questions would be. Is 4ius HGH enough, do I need 6ius?
Should I be taking more insulin, I understand the rule as far a weight goes, I just want to try and get away with only having to take 10ius? I usually respond well to minimum dosages on something new. I'm almost thinking I might need another drug for the final 6 weeks of this cycle?
Week 1-10 800mgs T200 taken in divided doses
Week 1-10 600mgs Ttokkyo Deca in divided doses
Week 1-3 150mgs Anadrol ed split up 3x a day
Week 4-6 100mgs d-ball ed split up 4x a day
Week 11-16 Fina 80mgs ed
Week 11-16 Winny tabs 60mg ed taken in divided doses
Week 13-16 50mgs anadrol to keep muscles full
Week 1-16 4 ius HGH taken mon-fri
Week 1-6 10 ius insulin post work-out w/creatine
may take 10ius upon rising in am also
Week 11-16 Clen taken 2 days on 2 days off
Week 13-16 T3 starting at 25 mcg working up to 100
and tapering back down
Week 1-8 Arimidex @ .25 mg ed
Week 13-16 1 tab Nolvadex
Week 13-16 1 tab proviron
Clomid to come off w/ off course, w/ proviron to balance out my mood.
Fina will be taken transdermal, at this point I'll be sick of needles.
I'm currently 6 feet 240lbs 6 weeks off from last cycle. Have done many cycle w/high dosages.
This cycle will be in prep for show. Dont see much since in doing this much gear just for hobby sake.
Oh, and milk thistle, cranberry extract, primrose oil, vit c , vit e, zinc, and saw palmetto taken throughout.
I'm kinda hoping this cycle brings me to the next level.
I'm sure I'm forgetting something.
My only questions would be. Is 4ius HGH enough, do I need 6ius?
Should I be taking more insulin, I understand the rule as far a weight goes, I just want to try and get away with only having to take 10ius? I usually respond well to minimum dosages on something new. I'm almost thinking I might need another drug for the final 6 weeks of this cycle?