New member
Lat Pull Down (Wide Grip)
170 X 8
180 X 8
190 X 8
200 X 8 ***Last week I did 150,170,180,190.
Seated Rows
190 X 8
200 X 8
210 X 8
220 X 8 ***Last week I did 170,180,200,220. Another increase in strength/endurance!
Straight Arm Pull Down
150 X 8
160 X 8
180 X 8
190 X 8 ***Last week I did 140,150,170,180.
Single Arm Cable Rows (Substituting each week with with Single Arm DB Rows)
150 X 8
170 X 8
180 X 8
200 X 8
***This was a great workout. Lats were extremely pumped! As you can tell, my strength and endurance is on the rise! I'm going to weigh myself again around Thursday. As of yesterday I weighed 185 lbs. That is a
13 lb. increase in 2 weeks. I got 2 more weeks of Monsterdrol @ 30mg/ED and then I'm going to throw in some Unleashed @ 3caps/ED to go along with my Test Eth. @ 500mg/wk.
As of yesterday, I started Arimidex @ .25mg/EOD. I woke up yesterday morning and my nips were slightly sore. Nothing major but I want to stop it before it really gets aggervating.
Lat Pull Down (Wide Grip)
170 X 8
180 X 8
190 X 8
200 X 8 ***Last week I did 150,170,180,190.
Seated Rows
190 X 8
200 X 8
210 X 8
220 X 8 ***Last week I did 170,180,200,220. Another increase in strength/endurance!
Straight Arm Pull Down
150 X 8
160 X 8
180 X 8
190 X 8 ***Last week I did 140,150,170,180.
Single Arm Cable Rows (Substituting each week with with Single Arm DB Rows)
150 X 8
170 X 8
180 X 8
200 X 8
***This was a great workout. Lats were extremely pumped! As you can tell, my strength and endurance is on the rise! I'm going to weigh myself again around Thursday. As of yesterday I weighed 185 lbs. That is a
13 lb. increase in 2 weeks. I got 2 more weeks of Monsterdrol @ 30mg/ED and then I'm going to throw in some Unleashed @ 3caps/ED to go along with my Test Eth. @ 500mg/wk.
As of yesterday, I started Arimidex @ .25mg/EOD. I woke up yesterday morning and my nips were slightly sore. Nothing major but I want to stop it before it really gets aggervating.