Note to self…..
Looking through my log, I realize I make too many spare of the moment decisions. Everyday I am rushing together a meal, not remembering to take supps etc.
So, today after work I am picking up a food scale, glad containers & baggies. Stating Monday I will be making sure I am prepared the night before & I will write meal #1, 2 etc. I will put my supps in the baggies & write what time I plan on taking them on the bags.
Also, my workout times, eating times are all scattered & messed up. Right now I work 1 day, the next night…..Starting June 1, I will be changing the schedule so I work 1 week of days, 1 week of nights. Hopefully, this way I will have everything planned, and won’t be so disorganized.
Next, I plan on doing to bed much earlier & getting my workout in before the day begins. This way, if I’m stuck at work, I already did what had to be done.