New member
So what are the thoughts about the shotgun approach...haha
Well, I think that a limited amount of both consistancy and variation are necessary, but the amount varies from individual to individual. You are aware of how I train, but my son can grind away for 16 weeks at the same exercises over and over and still make gains and set records at competitions.
Good examples of people who do well with little variation: Coan, Bridges, Gaugler, Dave Ricks.
Good examples of people who do well with a great deal of variation: WSB (surprise). Some of them change their assistance work weekly, or bi-weekly. Core lifts are always done, but the weight is always changing, as well as the type of added resistance.
It basically depends on how quickly the athlete attenuates to the program. And there is no way to tell until the lifter's progress starts to halt if something needs to be changed or not.
And no, there is no physiological reason why the exercises need to be changed, all the reasons are CNS and other NS systems related.