Gladi, I think I'm gonna have to agree with Candi and valerie here - you don't seem to have been much of a happy camper with the OL thing - there were a few bright patches here and there, but on the whole it seems to have been a bit of a miserable experience for you. Some miserable experiences seem to be OK to stick through, because they are finite and temporary, and have specific, easily viewable rewards at the end of them, but others just seem to swamp one to the point where you just don't know which way is up anymore. I personally think you've stuck at this, and worked through the pain (mental and physical) longer than most people could have.
Maybe it's just time to take a break, step back, reevaluate, do some AR, see a chiro if you can, get some massage, eat some wholesome yummy food, and then make a decision about which direction you want to take your training.
Consulting a PT and talking to your trainer about it is LOGICAL and totally acceptable in my mind - if my trainer (hee hee, my new trainer

) had a problem with a PT's commments, I'd seriously reevaluate that trainer's qualifications to be training me.
Gotta live in that body a long time yet ...
Good luck!