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Approved Log TommyMack TRT and Deca Cycle Log

nice work on the cardio and the stretching
keep up the good work I like the fillet sounds good
You guys are very kind and encouraging, thank you I do appreciate it, keeps,me going.

Wednesday 19th:
6am- long black and greens drink
6.30am stretching 30 minutes
7.45am- 800m swim
8.30am- 1 banana
10am- 185g tuna olive oil, 1 cup basmati rice, carrots.
12.30pm- 200g egg roll (mince meat with vegies)

1.30pm- training: legs- squats, stiff leg deadlifts, leg extensions, leg curls, lunges, calf raises. 3-4 working sets of each. 10-20 reps of each exercise.

3pm- Wpi shake, 1 apple.
4pm- 45 minute walk
6pm- 150g salmon, broccoli, potato, beans, cup brown rice.
8pm- apple crumble with Greek yoghurt
You guys are very kind and encouraging, thank you I do appreciate it, keeps,me going.

Wednesday 19th:
6am- long black and greens drink
6.30am stretching 30 minutes
7.45am- 800m swim
8.30am- 1 banana
10am- 185g tuna olive oil, 1 cup basmati rice, carrots.
12.30pm- 200g egg roll (mince meat with vegies)

1.30pm- training: legs- squats, stiff leg deadlifts, leg extensions, leg curls, lunges, calf raises. 3-4 working sets of each. 10-20 reps of each exercise.

3pm- Wpi shake, 1 apple.
4pm- 45 minute walk
6pm- 150g salmon, broccoli, potato, beans, cup brown rice.
8pm- apple crumble with Greek yoghurt
@TommyMack we want you to be a success man :)

how about upping the protein? especially post workout :)
Been quiet on here the last few days due to some matters that have been all consuming, both work and family, mostly due to sick kids coughing all night and keeping us up all through the night. But that's life and we keep going.
I actually find that when I'm having sleepless nights or very little sleep, or I'm not getting opportunity to exercise, I seem more driven to dial the diet right in and steer well clear of crap food. So that's a positive to take out of the situation I guess.
So yes, it's Sunday afternoon and all 3 kids are asleep, absolute heaven on earth right now.
I'll make the most of it by getting a session in and will hopefully get things back on track into the week ahead and get posting more consistently.
Things were busy last night with the kids so didn't get a chance to post yesterday's training and diet so here it is:

Tuesday 18th
5.30am wake- 1 hour walk, 20 minutes stretching.

7am- black coffee and a greens drink

8am- 1km swim

10am- 185g tuna in olive oil, 1 cup brown rice, one banana.

12pm- gym. Back and bi's. Pull ups, bent over barbell rows, tbar rows, lat pull down, barbell curls, cable preacher curls, hammer curls. All exercises consist of 3 working sets, not including any warm up or drop sets, ranging from 10- 20 reps depending on exercise.

2pm- egg roll (essentially just mince meat, approx 200g), cup basmatti rice, wpi shake.

5pm 300g eye fillet steak, 100g sweet potato

7.30pm spaghetti bolognaise (leftovers from what was made for the kids dinner)

8pm bowl Greek yoghurt, handful of almonds and walnuts
Been quiet on here the last few days due to some matters that have been all consuming, both work and family, mostly due to sick kids coughing all night and keeping us up all through the night. But that's life and we keep going.
I actually find that when I'm having sleepless nights or very little sleep, or I'm not getting opportunity to exercise, I seem more driven to dial the diet right in and steer well clear of crap food. So that's a positive to take out of the situation I guess.
So yes, it's Sunday afternoon and all 3 kids are asleep, absolute heaven on earth right now.
I'll make the most of it by getting a session in and will hopefully get things back on track into the week ahead and get posting more consistently.
please come back to us and stay safe sleep well :)
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