I wish I could get them for $15. I can get the clear ones with the green lettering for $20, or the clear ones with the white label and multi-colored neck for $30! It's so f***ing high for me, but at least I have never been scammed.
pump23 is rite...a buddy of mine had the exact same ones and he got good results from them. I believe they are from germany also. It should have a white band around the neck and bright green writing.
I got the European clear glass with green writing and I also have the Mexican brown glass. Some of the writing comes off on mine too. They worked though I would shoot away. I've experinced the lettering coming off my SUS redijects from mexico too. After I prime the needle the juice runs down the shaft and if you touch the lettering while wet it smears. I would try them out and discontinue if they make you ill.