These are smaller than I thought they would be. I wanted to start 2.5 twice daily, will just have to get these as close as possible to a quarter. I have a splitter.
Should I post pics in this thread or should I start a new thread for “touchdown pics”. I am open to supplement suggestions. I just started taking fish oil and will take a n2guard when it arrives. I was talking creatine daily, but want to take a break on it while I do this cycle. What other supplements do you suggest?
These are smaller than I thought they would be. I wanted to start 2.5 twice daily, will just have to get these as close as possible to a quarter. I have a splitter.
These are smaller than I thought they would be. I wanted to start 2.5 twice daily, will just have to get these as close as possible to a quarter. I have a splitter.
Training this week is the same as last week, I have brought in small weight to work that I will use to do a little ab session on my lunch break that is extra from last week. Struggled yesterday with lifting same amount of weight on glute/hammys. This is week 3 of being in a deficit, so it makes sense.
Nothing wrong with a high day of food here and there. Just keep it clean. Sometimes the body responds very well to this and the fire really gets going.