Happy to have you alive and well on here. Definitely a new lease on life.
I’m very thankful each day and I’m a firm believer everything happens according to Gods plan
Looking forward to seeing what you're capable of accomplishing on this log.
Glad to see that you are not giving up.
Thanks bro. I’ll give up when I’m dead that’s for sure. I love this game
What kind of exercises do you do to help your spine?
I hope you're doing a lot of stretching and that sort of thing.
A lot of trial and error over the last couple months till I found what works and what doesn’t. My rehab went something like this (and still does):
Foam rolling the quads, hips, hamstrings and glutes (not foam rolling the spine at all)
Decompression (dead hangs supported at knees or toes to avoid swinging). And inversion tables
Wall Stretching the hamstrings and glutes
Glute bridges and dead bugs (help build core stabilisation for the hips)
Lower back extensions (hold at the top using the handle bars for support)
Abdominal strengthening
Makes sense that you're stacking, tb500 and bpc with growth hormone.
That's always something. You're gonna want to use going forward.
I was skeptical about peptides till this injury occurred. I’m definitely a firm believer now in TB/BPC/HGH for its healing properties
Compressed Discs are the worst. Are you going to need surgery in the future? Or did you already have all your surgery out of the way?
No surgery brother, I’ll exhaust all options before I take that road
Bro, I once fell from tanker Pole.
Fell all the way down and ended up in the water. Luckily had I been a few feet One Direction, I would have probably broken my back.
God was looking out for you I’m glad for that outcome

Man, that is a nasty injury.
Sorry to hear that man. But don't worry, we'll get you in the best shape your life, you'll make a comeback.
Appreciate the support brother, it fuels me and gives me hope so Thankyou