Hey Sassy and Daisy, I agree that checking my bf% is demotivating me, he wants to check it just to keep track, and to watch my lean muscle mass. Before I went in there, I was happy with the way I looked (still am), my upper body is starting to look better, I get comments on my physique all the time. And then I was told that I stay stable, I didn't lose or gain any fat nor did I lose or gain any muscle, I think I able lost it.
I told him that I didn't understand, I followed the diet, I did my training, yes I slacked alittle on the cardio, but that was because I had no friggin energy, and that I saved it for the weight training, and I'm friggin tired!!!!!!
Then he was ok, when is your next show (he was making sure I didn't change my mind again lol) I said not to next friggin spring, I want some more damn muscle for it too, so I could careless how fat I am. So he was like ok, we're going to double up your calories, but he's going to wait until the blood work comes back first.