New member
I was wondering something. I have gained alot of hard earned muscle and weight from working out hard in the gym. Well i dont really wanna lose that and I need a wy to keep it. For people who have experienced a sport liek football it is brutal. Did you guys lift durign the football season. And if so what was ur workout routine thru the football season. See i dont really wanna get tired from lifting. I just maye wanna do light lifitng to keep my muscle. And maybe take glutamine? to preserve my muscle. I just need sum tips on how to do this during the big high school football yr. So bascially the quisiton is.....HOW CAN I PRESERVE MY MUCLSE OR ADD EVEN MORE MUSCLE DURING THE STRANIOUS FOOTBALL SEAOSON AND WHAT KIND OF WORKOUTS AND SUPPS I COUDL TAKE TO DO THIS? ...because losing weight and mass woudlnt be good!