New member
That is putting it mildly. I now realize why i said after my last full power meet why i wasnt going to do those anymore. They fuck with my bench. My bench is my favorite. Period. And i felt liek shit. Number 1 last week hitting 700 on the 3 board thursday really took its toll on me. No biggie i came in the next day hit a 765 squat. That too wears my shoulders prety hard. Last night 135 made me ache all over. So then we have everyone shirting up no biggie but the night wasnt efficiently ran. We would go up in weight then down then up before the line up was done. My last raw set was 500 x 2 reps. 2 achey ass reps! Then i put the shirt on and i did 500 to warmup. From my last raw set to the first shirt set 20 minutes elapsed. Not good. Now iam achy and not warmed up anymore. Nextset 585 off 3 board. Slow and achy. Felt like fuckin 700 plus. Next set 635 slower and more achey. I was supposed to drop to 2 board then no boards but decided enough was enough and said fuckit i am done. Did floor presse up to 405 with pointy finger on the smooth for 3. Very achey. I will now take off thursday triceps to avoid overtraining. I feel it creeping up on me. After i do my 805 squat on fri i am done heavy squattin as well. So hopefull next monday i will have better results for you. BUt as of now i do not.
Grimmer got stuck at school so iam glad he didnt come to be part of the mayhem!
Grimmer got stuck at school so iam glad he didnt come to be part of the mayhem!