Breakfast same
No 845
Stretch 10
10 min SIT stairstepper Medium
3x10 low row close grip 140 150 160
3x10 low row wide grip 140 150 160
8x10 side delt cable flys 17.5 19 per side
2x10 tricep dumbbell pullovers 45 50
2x10 back extension BW
5x10 overhead pull down 140 150 160 170 180
30 min SIT stairstepper high
Lunch green chili cheeseburger and spinach
Dinner Greek yogurt blueberry walnuts and walnut butter
Feeling really good on TRT have still been taking a full 25 mg Aromasin, dropped to 25 Mg Proviron. Joints feel good, cardio felt awesome today (after a week of nothing)
No meal pics unfortunately.
No gym tomorrow, gym Tuesday, no gym Wednesday etc. so updates are going to be a bit spotty.
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