okay here is the deal...first off i would like you to see if these numbers accurate, they were educated guesses, then i need to up the calories but another 1000...as you can see i dont have a lot of food during school but that is when i need to add some..i need some more good foods that are convienent to bring to school, (i dont like penut butter), thanks a lot guys
Food Calories Protein
Before School: - -
Protein Shake w/ 1.5 scoops 200 30
½ bagel 100 4
1.5 cups Orange Juice 165 3
During School:
Yogurt 60 5
Turkey Hero 200 15
After School:
1 Piece of Fruit 50 -
Yogurt 60 5
After Gym:
Protein Shake w/ 2.5 scoops 350 50
1 cup Orange Juice 110 2
Anything (chicken, steak) w/ at least 500 40
Before Bed:
Protein Shake w/ 2 scoops 300 40
½ can of tuna 150 17.5
Total 2245 211.5
Food Calories Protein
Before School: - -
Protein Shake w/ 1.5 scoops 200 30
½ bagel 100 4
1.5 cups Orange Juice 165 3
During School:
Yogurt 60 5
Turkey Hero 200 15
After School:
1 Piece of Fruit 50 -
Yogurt 60 5
After Gym:
Protein Shake w/ 2.5 scoops 350 50
1 cup Orange Juice 110 2
Anything (chicken, steak) w/ at least 500 40
Before Bed:
Protein Shake w/ 2 scoops 300 40
½ can of tuna 150 17.5
Total 2245 211.5