Saturated fat is really ok with some people. We evolved on it, its what made us what we are, to a great extent.
Cholesterol gets a bad rap as well, but it is the precursor to all steroid sex hormones and vitamin D. Aye, unless you have a genetic predisposition to high cholesterol, or hyperlipidosis, then what you eat is of very little import.
Funny things happen to some people when they cut out a lot of saturated animal fats, it actually increases the cholesterol in their bloodstream, and often not the 'good' one or HDL. . Totally agree. It's often correlate that the attention to cutting out sat fats comes with an increase in cravings that are oft slaked by carb consumption: insulin spike to hyperinsulinemia to hyperlipidosis.
Fat is also one of the macronutrients that allows for greater satiety.
It does depend on your metabolism, google metabolic profiling.
Have you had cholesterol levels done before after manipulating your diet?