I am assuming you are a woman...I will be glad to help, yet I think the women's board will be much more effective for personal needs.
Now, as far as diet: You can try using, a simple Isocaloric diet: 40/30/30 (protein/carbs/fats)
Wont all that fat make me fat? you might ask...No, because the 30% will ALL come from EFA's such as:
flaxseed oil, sesamese seed oil, sunflowerseed oil, grapeseed oil, olive oil, peanut oil
For your 30% carbohydrates:
Low-GI carbs: oatmeal, brown-rice, yams, beans, sweet-potato , pasta , veggies
Proteins: Chicken breasts (no skin), tuna, turkey breasts, egg whites, lean steak (i.e. beef eye round near 4 g fat per serving)
Where do you get these magic ratios from?
Well, you take your weight and multiply it by 12=your daily calorie intake
EX: 120lbs. person x 12= 1440 cals a day
EX: 1440 cal 40% of which is from protein/ 30% from carbs and 30% from fat
1440 x .40=576 cal from protein
protein has 4cal/g
576 divided by 4=144g protein a day
1440 x .30=432 cal from carbs
carbs have 4cal/g
432 divided by 4=108 carbs a day
1440 x .30=432 cal from fats
fats have 9cal/g
432 divided by 9=48 g fat a day
EX: based on 120 lbs. woman, you can adjust it as you wish.
Remember, for women especially, more exercise seems to do more harm than good...so, stick to a 3-4 times a week routine for now, and don't starve yourself, because once your body is in starvation mode, it's hard to even maintain current weight.