Thanks, Cali!
I am not really going for those #'s but I need that reminder constantly! Every powerlifter secretly wants to look like a bodybuilder and every bodybuilder wants to lift like a powerlifter. Gotta keep the "I am strong like bull" ego in check when ballin' at the gym or I strain my wee little genetic capabilities

There have been many ego-induced injuries! Most recently some separated ribs that put me on almost entirely lower body for 4 months of 2010. I think I've learned that lesson for now. What's the saying, "discretion is the better part of valor"?
I am on the elliptical again. It's kind of a bummer. I miss the hard sweat of the step mill but am working with a tweaky hamstring and I think a real run would put me in a bad position for legs tomorrow. Had to think hard on this one for a while to make sure I wasn't losing ground to my innate inertia. I usually bounce these decisions off others... It just helps to have a jury for the cardio trial.
In the end I decided to do the elliptical, easier on the joints, jack up the time a little and later will make sure to go hard and heavy on abs to make up for lost GH stim!
And you thought you overthink stuff!
Have "homework" to do today for a potential job. Gonna keep plowing through laundry and getting myself organized before the niece and nephew spontaneously appear (they could be dumped on me at any moment although I try to Heisman that whenever possible).
CB bodybuilding concept of the day?
You are putting your workouts in. Your nutrition is on point. And you are waiting for results. Every morning you wake up and check your body... What has magically occurred while you were sleeping?
Sometimes results come this way, but the saying "a watched pot never boils" seems especially apropos here. It's not fair to your body to apply that kind of scrutiny. Give it a chance!
If you have researched your plan well enough and you feel well informed then you probably just need the tincture of time. If you're still unsure, find a mentor or coach whose advice you trust. This person doesn't have to be a trainer. Hell, they don't even have to be a mod... Just find someone who has what you want and ask them to point you in the right direction.
Then give the bread time to bake! If you keep pulling the damn loaf out of the oven it's gonna fall flat or you'll drop it on the kitchen floor. Give the damn thing a chance. Sick of being doughy? Set the timer and get cookin'!
I'm not saying don't check in every now and again to monitor your progress, but these are what I think of as 20,000 ft decisions. You don't make them in the morning pinching what seems like new flab or crying crocodile tears onto the dial of your scale. You are tactical. You are deliberate. You respond not react. You are patient. You trust in the process.
Do you know how the freaking dough becomes bread? I could speculate (ok, it doesn't take that much thought) but I don't have to understand it entirely. I leave that to chemists and pastry chefs. You don't have to understand why your body does everything it does, you just have to learn how to coach it to do what you want it to do. And then give it a chance to deliver.
Peace, chickies!