I have used every type of training method and gained muscle. I have used every type of training method and NOT gained muscle. For an ectomorph training is 20% of the issue. 80% of your results come from EATING. I am not talking about just protein intake, I am talking about calorie intake.
When I say eating I don't just mean eating, I mean
E A T I N G !!! You have to eat until you feel sick. Once you feel sick you continue to eat some more. You must do this everyday - not one day on and one day off - you MUST feel consistently sick. If you don't hate food, you aren't eating enough. If you don't feel like puking all the time then you aren't eating enough. Be consistent. Eat so that you get fat. If you aren't getting fat, you aren't eating enough. Ectomorphs require a vast excess of calories before muscle growth starts in a significant way. It is so easy for us to lose weight again that you shouldn't worry about getting fat.
You'll definitely have to count calories. If you go by how you feel, you won't eat enough. Listen to someone who went from 70kgs to 110kgs only AFTER he realised the importance of counting calories - You must E A T !!! Don't waste years mucking around with fancy training methods like I did. JUST EAT!!!!