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"place cut side down in a baking tray"
Ha! That's clever! I always put it cut side UP with foil on it, but your way makes FAR more sense - save the foil, and I'll bet it dries out less. Indeed it is going to be a soup winter - so easy to get lots of nutrients, and it sure tastes a lot better than plain steamed veggies. Although they have their place ....
Mmm - noodle soup - that could be good. One could even go Asian style and add some egg whites to clear noodle soup - there's a balanced pro/carb meal all ready to go, without the ick taste of the eggs.
I wonder how that pumpkin soup would be with a glob of smooth cottage cheese in it. Or I suppose one could use ff sour cream, if one can buy such a thing where one lives.
And if one didn't feel like going to all the trouble of actually making soup after baking the pumpkin, you could just sprinkle some cinnamon and Splenda, with a tiny dash of nutmeg, and ta da! Carb portion READY!
Ha! That's clever! I always put it cut side UP with foil on it, but your way makes FAR more sense - save the foil, and I'll bet it dries out less. Indeed it is going to be a soup winter - so easy to get lots of nutrients, and it sure tastes a lot better than plain steamed veggies. Although they have their place ....
Mmm - noodle soup - that could be good. One could even go Asian style and add some egg whites to clear noodle soup - there's a balanced pro/carb meal all ready to go, without the ick taste of the eggs.
I wonder how that pumpkin soup would be with a glob of smooth cottage cheese in it. Or I suppose one could use ff sour cream, if one can buy such a thing where one lives.
And if one didn't feel like going to all the trouble of actually making soup after baking the pumpkin, you could just sprinkle some cinnamon and Splenda, with a tiny dash of nutmeg, and ta da! Carb portion READY!