saddlebags.. Mr. X says to carb up once per week
Did some more research on the diet, I think I understand better why you can go longer on this diet... I'd still be interested in hearing Mr. Xs very informative and eloquent explaination *hint*hint*!
Smucker's has 210 calories and I believe this is the one Mr. X used in his study.
I'm going to go to Trader Joes and see if they have the cheaper ANPB someone was talking about Adams ANPB is 10 bucks a 5lb pail! Either way, I'll find one that fits the ratios, but I have to go out of town, Adams is my only local choice....
So if your PB (Adam's brand) has 180 calories with the exact same ratios of P/C/F, then that's 6/7th calories per serving. So for every 6 scoops of ANPB that Mr. X's formula comes up with, add 1 more scoop for your version of the PB to get the same calorie count. That's what I would do anyway.
Well, what I have been doing is this... I figured out what my calorie deficit was, 20 calories per "feed" can't really call 'em meals at this point. LOL! and 20x6 meals is 120 calories so thats 1.5 tbls calorie wise that I am short. After am cario I add an extra 3/4tbl and before afternoon weight training I add an extra 3/4 of ANP to make up for the calories... If anyone has a better idea for when to add in those extra calories I'm all ears though
So if Mr. X's formula says you should have 12 scoops per day, eat 14 scoops of your PB.
Yup, thats exactly my amount, 12 tablespoones, 2 per meal. My concern is that it throws off the ratios of P/F/C. I haven't sat down to do the math because really, I wouldn't know how the result would impact the diet anyway, I need to though and ask Mr. X about it. Not fair to make him do my dirty math work! hehe!
If 18, then you eat 21
Just keep the 6 to 7 ratio.
But make sure your brand (Adam's) doesn't have more sugar in it than the Smucker's (1 g).
Adams all natural no stir has 1g of sugar. EVERYTHING, fiber, protein, carbs, fat is exactly the same as Mr. Xs brand, just 20 less calories listed on the package