New member
Here's my proposed 2014 spring cycle, that will be run in prep for my first competition in the summer of 2014.
Cycle strategy:
- 18 week cycle, with the contest at week 15
- I'm planning to run it longer than 15 weeks as I may do 1 or 2 more competitons right after my first (mostly for the experience), if I can stand it.
if not, I'm going to end it at week 15.
- kickstarted by a 4 week sust/dbol/proviron run, then switch to muscle maintenance/diet mode with primo, then cut with GW and s4.
- Diet starts 10 weeks out. I expect to be within 15lbs above my target weight at this point. leaving me a reasonable 1.5lb/week weight loss goal
I've already dieted down with my last cycle from 220 to 200, from about 13%bf to about 8% now, with my low at 195lb, only 5 lbs away from my target over a 16week diet to dry run it. I was close to comp ready during this dry run @195lb.
I did this with slightly calorie deficient diet.
- Goals for the cycle are to maintain muscle mass through the diet phase, and then cut and peak at the right moment (week 15).
- I will taper down the sust beginning 4 weeks out and completely cut out the sust 2 weeks prior to get rid of anything that might retain water
Current stats 44yo, 5' 10", 200lbs (contest weight will be ~190 @5.5%), 8%bf, a few previous cycles, mostly test-e, dbol, proviron based.
Competition date is end of week 15
1-11 sust 500/wk
12-14 sust 250/wk (note last pin is beginning of week 14, comp is in end of week 15, giving 2 weeks between last pin and comp.
1-4 dbol 50mg/day
6-18 Primo 600/wk (13 total weeks, or 10 if I end on contest day)
1-5 proviron 25/day
12-15 proviron 25mg, 50mg, 75mg, 100mg/day progression ... 25 mg bump per week prior to competition, run right up to comp day.
10-15 GW0516 20mg/day
12-15 S4 50mg/day
1-18 HCGenerate es
1-18 n2Guard
i have aromisin on hand, will take when needed, but during the past few cycles I haven't had issues. It's probably the proviron that I like to take in my cycles that keeps estro in check.
last cycle of sust/dbol/proviron, i did 25mg of ari e4d, as a precaution.
PCT (4 weeks)
clomid 50/50/50/50
DAA powerchews
finish by rolling into bridge, and enjoy the rest of summer.
Thoughts and/or suggestions?
Cycle strategy:
- 18 week cycle, with the contest at week 15
- I'm planning to run it longer than 15 weeks as I may do 1 or 2 more competitons right after my first (mostly for the experience), if I can stand it.
if not, I'm going to end it at week 15.
- kickstarted by a 4 week sust/dbol/proviron run, then switch to muscle maintenance/diet mode with primo, then cut with GW and s4.
- Diet starts 10 weeks out. I expect to be within 15lbs above my target weight at this point. leaving me a reasonable 1.5lb/week weight loss goal
I've already dieted down with my last cycle from 220 to 200, from about 13%bf to about 8% now, with my low at 195lb, only 5 lbs away from my target over a 16week diet to dry run it. I was close to comp ready during this dry run @195lb.
I did this with slightly calorie deficient diet.
- Goals for the cycle are to maintain muscle mass through the diet phase, and then cut and peak at the right moment (week 15).
- I will taper down the sust beginning 4 weeks out and completely cut out the sust 2 weeks prior to get rid of anything that might retain water
Current stats 44yo, 5' 10", 200lbs (contest weight will be ~190 @5.5%), 8%bf, a few previous cycles, mostly test-e, dbol, proviron based.
Competition date is end of week 15
1-11 sust 500/wk
12-14 sust 250/wk (note last pin is beginning of week 14, comp is in end of week 15, giving 2 weeks between last pin and comp.
1-4 dbol 50mg/day
6-18 Primo 600/wk (13 total weeks, or 10 if I end on contest day)
1-5 proviron 25/day
12-15 proviron 25mg, 50mg, 75mg, 100mg/day progression ... 25 mg bump per week prior to competition, run right up to comp day.
10-15 GW0516 20mg/day
12-15 S4 50mg/day
1-18 HCGenerate es
1-18 n2Guard
i have aromisin on hand, will take when needed, but during the past few cycles I haven't had issues. It's probably the proviron that I like to take in my cycles that keeps estro in check.
last cycle of sust/dbol/proviron, i did 25mg of ari e4d, as a precaution.
PCT (4 weeks)
clomid 50/50/50/50
DAA powerchews
finish by rolling into bridge, and enjoy the rest of summer.
Thoughts and/or suggestions?