Thank you.
Do you even know anything about me

I don't talk as much as I could on here, so i'm afraid out friendship isn't what it could be considering i've been around for a while, but,
it's good to hear that. I find it interesting that most men on here can decide they would bang a girl in real life just based on a picture or two, while I personally need something like a conversation or observance to decide that.
Pick3, I'm still in high school. Even if I was already at WVU, I wouldn't know it if Sublime was in any of my classes. School will be HUGE
As to me being an alter.....I'm really not, and I haven't been talking a lot on here lately, or since I "left" really, so I can see how people might think that. It doesn't bother me much. I know who I am, and most people don't know who I am. I really like those who have taken the time to talk to me and get to know who I am.
Needtogetas can go ahead and call me a "gay alter"?? lol; I really don't care what he say about me because i'll be on here having a blast anyway. I am so over genuinly caring about what people on here say about me. If any of you do this, believe me it's a lot more fun not caring!
I don't know where I was going when I first made this thread, but I wanted to point out that EF
is really preety much drugs, sex and rock n' roll.