2/18/07 - Sun
DIet - it was an eh fuck it day --- just woke up so late and didnt' eat much.
Meal 1: 11 am - oatmeal pancakes
Meal 2: 3 pm - 1/2 a small Detour bar prior to my massage
Meal 3: 4:15 pm - other 1/2 on the drive home
MEal 4: 4:45 pm - 4 oz turkey pattie
Mela 5: 8 pm - 4 oz chicken + 1 peach
Weird ass day -- I've been waking up w/ the worst sinus problems due to the cold weather - sinus headache & dry bloody nose from the cold & dry air. What a bitch.
25 min cardio: precor
Checking some other stuff for back - I was wondering about my upper back because I've been doing all my rows relatively low (i.e. below the boobages because they are too big & get in the way) -- wide grip rows & lat grips hurt my shoulder so not a real option --- so I tried seated cable rows w/ the rope grip & pulled high. These were awesome on upper middle back. Tried same grip to right at boobage / chest level but that angle started to poke at my shoulder --- felt it in my back tho.
Then did some hyperextension setting the pad at pelvis level and focus on lower back w/ a good flex at the top -- also felt good.
Then abs:
- fit ball - low abs: 30 x 3
- fit ball - high abs: 20 x 3
-- I can feel those top 2 abs - -goddammit I'm gonna see if I can pull out an 8-pack this spring.
THen -- off to my favorite sadistic massage therapist who beats on me. The best part of the massage was that she was working on sore muscles NOT sore joints. No pushing in the scapulas or telling my ankles are out of whack or anythign like that - - just plain old hard worked sore muscles from back day yesterday. First time in MONTHS! The ol' IT band is still tight, but also not nearly as bad as it used to be. (Haven't worked it in months...)
So all in all, it was really a great day as far as 'recovery' achieved.
Now I'm just kinda pissed about some shit I'm doing for work. In fact, pissed enough to have to break out the reggae music. This is about the only thing on the planet that truly relaxes me. Only problem is that I really really really need to be cruising down A1A past Miami & down to the Keys in a convertable right about now. Fuck this cold weather. Fuck work & all the idiots there. Just have a rum & coke waiting at the south end of Key West so I can watch the sun set.
And a muscle bound stud ready to show me 'dessert' when the sun has set ....