I don't know what the show is that started this thread but I doubt that it's showing anything inappropriate to the kids. My daughter watches a lot of Nick and I will have to take a look at it myself...can someone give me the name of the show?
Unfortunately these days, there are so many broken homes, women with children from multiple relationships where there is no stability. What's wrong with two women or two men raising a child as long as they are a happy, loving group of people? Children learn from the actions of the adults who raise them. It is better to have two caring parents as opposed to just one parent, or a bad couple. I'm sure the show isn't showing the parents being intimate, which would be inappropriate even if they are a hetro couple. Most of the kids will probably just think of the two adults as roommates/best friends. And there's nothing wrong with a hug and a kiss...I greet all of my friends and relatives that way.
Look at how openminded and unjudging the little children are. They make friends, either same sex or opposite, it doesn't matter, they will still hold hands as they're walking, they will still hug each other...until the ideas of sexuality are dumped upon them by others.
Once, when my daughter was about 5 or 6 y.o., she said that she wished girls could marry other girls because she loved her best friend so much that she would want to marry her when she grew up. That really made me think. SHE understood better than most adults that purely loving someone is what the best relationships are based on...simple friendship and love. She knew nothing of sexuality at that time.
As for the religious aspect...religions are constantly changing as people gain knowledge about what makes things go round. I don't know anyone who believes that the moon is a god these days. I don't have any firm traditional religious beliefs, although I was raised Catholic. I believe in being kind, loving, honest, and respectful of others, hurting no one and being tollerant of people with different ideas. I think those things are the basis of most modern religions anyway. If what you are doing is kind, loving, honest, and respectful, how can it not be the right way to live?
Sharing your love with someone is special...I don't think it's wrong if that person happens to be the same sex.