My love of sweets and all food "bad".
I procrastinate like crazy (but always pull through!).
My impatience with people and waiting.
My lack of creativity when it comes to home projects.
Let's say, you have a project for work that is due two weeks from now. You have plenty of notice; you may even have a plan (re: start & finish). Yet, you sit on your ass and do absolutely nothing, until a few days before, or the day before, or the day it is due.
Basically: Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow??
Someone who proscrastinates puts off doing things until the last minute, like work/school projects, doing taxes, etc.....Then you get all stressed having to do it all at once at the last minute!! It's a vicous cycle!!
Hey Cindylou...just noticed I'm not a breeder yet. I'm too chicken shit. I figure I'll just wait until the time on the biological clock is down to the hour. then it's now or never...and my fears wont have much sway. I just turned 31 on Friday, I figure I have until 35 ot start worrying about it.