New member
I don't quite understand what happened, as it wasn't a standard injury.
I had just finished doing some pulls and back squats....just a normal Wednesday.
I sat down and had my dinner, then went to go send some emails.
I ended up on the computer for about 30mins. I stood up and then WHAM. my left vastus medialis contracted REALLLLL hard.
It was a cramp....but a bad cramp. It pulled tighter and tighter, my kneecap started slipping (never came out though) and my leg hyper extended.
for 10mins it slowly got tighter and tighter. We couldn't massage the muscle...it was like trying to kneed a brick wall, i thought the muscle or tendon was going to rip (it may have actually done that). blood started pooling in the muscle, and it turned blue, then purple... by this time the kettle had finished boiling and my sister filled up a hot water bottle. This brought almost instant relief.
the muscle was still cramped but not as tight. my leg returned to a more natural straight position. The blood started leaving the area. I could finally hobble to a comfortable position. It took another 30-40mins of massage, heat bottle and heat rubs to get back to normal relaxed state (with limited range of movement).
It has been 48 hours. I still have pain in the area, but I can walk......but it feels like I have been beaten with a steel rod. Bruising and swelling has almost gone.
but I haven't been to a physio/doctor/massage therapist yet. but needless to say i wont be training tonight or tommorow.
anyone have similar experiences?
I had just finished doing some pulls and back squats....just a normal Wednesday.
I sat down and had my dinner, then went to go send some emails.
I ended up on the computer for about 30mins. I stood up and then WHAM. my left vastus medialis contracted REALLLLL hard.
It was a cramp....but a bad cramp. It pulled tighter and tighter, my kneecap started slipping (never came out though) and my leg hyper extended.
for 10mins it slowly got tighter and tighter. We couldn't massage the muscle...it was like trying to kneed a brick wall, i thought the muscle or tendon was going to rip (it may have actually done that). blood started pooling in the muscle, and it turned blue, then purple... by this time the kettle had finished boiling and my sister filled up a hot water bottle. This brought almost instant relief.
the muscle was still cramped but not as tight. my leg returned to a more natural straight position. The blood started leaving the area. I could finally hobble to a comfortable position. It took another 30-40mins of massage, heat bottle and heat rubs to get back to normal relaxed state (with limited range of movement).
It has been 48 hours. I still have pain in the area, but I can walk......but it feels like I have been beaten with a steel rod. Bruising and swelling has almost gone.
but I haven't been to a physio/doctor/massage therapist yet. but needless to say i wont be training tonight or tommorow.
anyone have similar experiences?