today i did:
deads: 135x5, 145x5x5 sets NO PAIN!! just a little stiff
BO DB rows: 60x8, 75x8 STRICT form
across-body hammers: 20x12, 40x8
split eagle situps: 25 lb plate x 15, x 10, x 5 ..think i pulled my groin a tiny tiny bit. can REALLY feel these in my hip flexors!
just a side note: today went excellent. no bad pain in deads or anything else. i even threw my neighbor to the ground without hurting myself. whenever i tried that within the last couple months, i'd be hurting for about 2 days. i think just the confident attitude about all this has helped me, as corny as that may sound
my dead form is kinda weird. i get way down and pretty much squat the bar up. is that less powerful than something else?
what should i add in on dead days like this? i was thinking zerchers or spider zerchers maybe, but should i just do those on squat day?
also thinking about adding glute/ham raises off floor. reverse hyper for sure, just waiting for my squat rack (comes in monday!!)
deads: 135x5, 145x5x5 sets NO PAIN!! just a little stiff
BO DB rows: 60x8, 75x8 STRICT form
across-body hammers: 20x12, 40x8
split eagle situps: 25 lb plate x 15, x 10, x 5 ..think i pulled my groin a tiny tiny bit. can REALLY feel these in my hip flexors!
just a side note: today went excellent. no bad pain in deads or anything else. i even threw my neighbor to the ground without hurting myself. whenever i tried that within the last couple months, i'd be hurting for about 2 days. i think just the confident attitude about all this has helped me, as corny as that may sound
my dead form is kinda weird. i get way down and pretty much squat the bar up. is that less powerful than something else?
what should i add in on dead days like this? i was thinking zerchers or spider zerchers maybe, but should i just do those on squat day?
also thinking about adding glute/ham raises off floor. reverse hyper for sure, just waiting for my squat rack (comes in monday!!)