jeremys said:
so the first couple weeks, how about this:
mon - squat (5x5), glute/ham raises, reverse hyper, abs, grip work
wed - seated overhead presses (5x5?) (back's not ready for standing yet), incline bench, hammer curls, tate presses
friday - deads (5x5), SL deads, zerchers, reverse hyper, abs, grip
what's your split look like again?
That is an idea that you can try. Here is a general run down of what I have done in the gym this week:
Week 4 December 29th – January 4th
Sunday: Deadlift Variation (stiff-legs) up to a 1 RM
Front or High Bar Squats, 1-5 sets
Rev Hypers, 3-4 sets, medium band
Standing Calf Raises, 8’s
Farmers, Yoke,Sled
Hercules Hold (variation)
Monday: Viking Press, 280 x 3 x 3, 190 x 8
2 Board Press, 3-5 sets of 5
Lying Dbell Tric Extensions, 4 sets with the 35’s, 15 sec rest
Lat Pull Downs or Chins, 4 sets
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: Box Squats, 325 +Heavy bands x 2 x 6 sets, 30-45 sec rest between sets
High Pulls 4 sets of 3 reps
Power Stairs Simulation, 4 sets of 5 reps
Rev Hypers and Glute Ham Raises, 3-4 sets
Calf Raises
Thursday: Speed Bench 225 x 3 x 8 sets, 45 sec rest between sets
315 x 1, 365 x 1
JM Presses 135x 8, 185, 205, 205 x 8
Incline Bench, 225 x 5, 275 x 5
Tate Presses, 4 sets with 40’s, 10 reps each, 45 sec rest
Dbell Cleans, 4 sets with 15’s, 10 reps, 45 sec rest
Barbell Rows, 4 sets of 10
Dbell Curls, 3-4 sets
Friday: Off
Saturday: Off