Well that's it. My HST experiment is finished. Mixed results but it was definitely a learning experience for me. I started this thread because I couldnt find any other woman on Elite who had tried HST and I wanted to chronicle my experiences for any other woman who might want to try it in the future.
I gained about 3lbs of bf and about 2-3 pounds of muscle altogether. My arms are both up .25" and my chest is up to 39" for a gain of about .75". I think my delts are bit thicker too but I cannot verify this with the measuring tape.
Summary of my final mini cycle, the 3RM
It was hard! I was clearly beginning to overtrain a little by the 3RM phase. I took two 3 day breaks during the 3RMs to keep my progress moving which helped but wasnt enough. My 3rd workout felt like maxes when it should have still been comparatively easy. Remember you shouldnt actually hit your maxes for any given weight until the very last workout of that phase. I increased my number of sets to 3 for the 3RM phase to up my total number of reps per exericise to nine. I did this because I learned from my 15 & 10RM phases that I respond best with higher reps. However, using that kind of weight for 3 sets was more than I could handle and still make gains.
What I learned & plans for my next routine
My body responds with hypertrophy most readily when I do higher repititions and more moderate weights. I need reps in the 12-15 range for all excercises. I respond best with strength gains in the 5-10 range. Below 5 and I am just burning out.
I may need to add some specialized tricep work. My arms grew .25" early in my HST cycle but I wonder if they would have grown more if I had done tricep work as well. I didnt do tricep work because I was afraid of overtraining my arms due to the frequency of HST workouts and the incidental work they would already be getting from benching and overhead presses.
My biceps do need specialized work but at a lower volume than major muscle groups like chest, legs, back, etc.
I will be starting another HST routine 12/13/03 after a 9 day rest period to allow my muscles to again become sensitized to the lighter weights.
My new routine will be as follows:
15, 10, and 5RM phases only, after which I will begin all over again.
15RM___1-2 sets for all major muscle groups depending on how easy the first set is and how close to failure I feel I reach. Too close on the first set = no second set! 1 set for small muscle groups like bis and tris.
10RM___2 sets for all major muscles and 1 for small ones.
5RM___3 sets for all majors and 2 for small ones.
For more info on HST go here. The link in my first post is now broken and that post is too old now for me to edit.
Ok ladies, all done. I hope this thread will be of some help to you at some point in the future.