I work out in the same gym as Iron Lion and we use Kettlebells and Indian Clubs a lot. Lots of swings.
Those 56 lbers are heavy aren't they? Well, last night we used 54's one in each hand, cleaned them to the shoulders, then did military presses overhead with them from the shoulder. Left hand then both hands then right hand then both hands until we could not do any more reps, then bent over and did rows with them, keeping the bell against the belly between reps, rather than the traditional keeping them at arm's length between reps.
Last week, we cleaned the 54's to the shoulder and walked the length of the parking lot. This is a killer.
Week before that, we went to the park so we would be on the grass, and alternated between doing figure 8's between the legs, swings, snatches, and overhead throws for height. The people at the park thought we were insane.
Another good thing to do with them, is hold them at arm's length overhead, and do olympic squats. Also, you can hold them behind your back, with the weight against your butt, and do hack squats with them.
Additionally, it is interesting to use them for turkish getups, 2 handed anyhows, curling, and grip work, via juggling the bells, or rolling them up onto their handle on the floor.
The Indian Clubs are also very interesting, and you can use them for many of the same movements described above. Squatting on a balance board while holding a pair of 12 lb Indian Clubs at arm's length in front of you is an experience you won't soon forget.