i excercise 6 xp/w - 3 training, 2 pilates, and 4-5 x cardio.
just wondering how many days off people have ( ie no excercise - not even a light stroll), and has it improved the rest of your training to time to take more breaks?
rez-- I lift Tu/Thur/Sat.... run intervals Mon/Wed... go for long run (6-7 miles) on Friday... so Sunday's my day off.
has it improved my training??? no difference. I used to workout everyday (played soccer on Fridays & Saturdays & ran Sundays). Im prob in better aerobic shape now... but I really miss the soccer competition.
I have 3 rest days a week. I train M, T, Th, F: @45 min weights followed by @30 min cardio (2 of those are HIIT), then @15 min stretching. Sometimes on the weekend I might do yard work, hiking, etc. but other times I just read books, nap, etc.
Since I used to work out everyday (alternating at least one hour cardio with one hour weight training), I had a hard time cutting back. Now, I work out only 5 or 6 days per week, doing 4 days or 45 min. weight training and one or two days of HIT 30 min. cardio in between weight days. I find that my weights have gone up a lot. I am more sore after workouts now too.
I too used to work out 6-7 days p/week, with 6 days weight training and 5-6 days cardio...Ahh the days of the Aerobics Queen . Each workout was two to two and a half hours.
Now, since learning that less equals more for me, I have more intense, shorter workouts and only 4 days per week. Weekends off for me and one day in the middle of the week, very similar to FF's schedule.
I now have less injuries, shorter recovery time and no overtraining or burnout.