I am dedicated to my training and i train throught the holidays....I fell off the eating wagon and then went to the gym yesterday afternoon and I blew through my chest day like it was not even there...i must have needed the sleep and the carbs....i did my 3 sets of 6-8 on my 3 execises for chest and hit a personal best on flat bench and incline and the deciline stayed the same, but my workout weight for my reps went up 10 pounds...i was fucking amazed...good old pie, cookies, ice cream and a lot of ham...i think it was the good rest i got though as well as the fact i have been doing deads and squats for 3 weeks religiously now....and insted of my normal 3 minutes between sets, i kep then to 1 and a hal to 2...shit..i went back and trained tri's 3 hours later i felt so good...maybe the ephedrine helped, but i always take it before i train....