340 grams of carbs a day is too much considering you`re getting 156grams from protein. I think it`s a safer bet (even if it MAY not be optimal) to go with 33% 33% 33% pro carb fat and you`ll be better off.
That`s just a guide bro, I`m no expert. I`m asking just as many questions as you. lol but that diet will def be better than the one you`re on.
Do a search you`ll get a lot of info. but I know how that can be on time. 33, 33, 33 just get your cals and divide by 1/3rd. then divide carbs and protein by 4 (4 cal per gram of each) and fat by 9 (fat = 9cals per gram) Example 3000 cals /3 = 1000 cals of each p c f 1000/4 =250 grams of pro and carb then 1000/9 =111grams fat
All of these are per day so then you divide by 5 if you have 5 meals 6 for 6 meals etc. for each meal. understand?
I`m sure there are better ratios as I`m not an expert but if it`s better than your last diet... than it`s better. I just think it`s a good way to go for beginners so they keep it simple. and don`t get overwhelmed. good luck.
what would you guys recommend for a calorie intake for the following schedule and how many meals a day should i have - also ...before bed ..(depending on what time of day it is) what is bad and good to eat before bed
i guess my real question is - how to spread out the meals.. using this schedule since it seems kinda sporatic compared to a normal persons day .. also trying to figure out what to eat before bed
once again thanx alot guys.. i am proud of where i have gotten to - but i would like to step it up a bit ....and hoping you guys can help... i would be more then happy to make a donation to the site for all the help - i just really want to accomplish my goals
thanx in advance - Tom
monday - get up at 8 am ...
workout from 11:30 - 1:30 (including cardio)
sleep from 2:30- 9:30
9:30 - 8 am tuesday at work
Tuesday -
work out at 10-12
sleep from 5pm - 9:30 pm
9:30 pm - 8am wed at work
work out from 9:30- 11:30
sleep from 1pm - 9:30 pm
9:30 pm - thursday at 8 am at work
9:30 to 11:30 gym
sleep from 1-5 pm
go to bed at midnight
get up at 9 am ... go to bed at 11 pm (this is a normal day since i dont' work)
get up at 8 am
and i dont sleep until sunday at 11 pm
this is a tough day for me .. have alot going on so i can get sleep
also i dont work out on the weekends - but i do 30 mins of cardio
This one`s for the Diet Guru`s of the board. Maybe you should just ask this exact question on a seperate thread. but from what I DO understand I`ll throw in 2cents you should`nt have carbs for your last meal and try to have a slow digesting protein like steak or caisenate protein shake.