borris said:
Who ever said anything about jacking off?
Sorry grandpa, not everyone is on lock down and living with some HPD female. See fortunetely i'm not whipped to living with one old mental lady like yourself, I can see my girlfriend when ever I want just by going over to her house or vice versa. It's nice not having to live with your girlfriend and put up with her emotions daily, going by your granny's problems on here, I can only imagine how miserable your life must be at home.
Hell, it must suck at age 60 having to wait 10 minutes to get a hardon and waiting every three days just to recharge your semen fluids enough to ejaculate. I take pride in my youth that I can nut two/three times a session and not having to take blue pills to get my dick up. Like I said, sorry it's been almost a half a century since you remember that sensation.
You are one sorry excuse for a man or boy which ever applies seems the later. And you were the one that talked about touching yourself. Memory goes so quickly at your age? If it took me 10 minutes to get a hardon you would have been finished with yours, what 7 mins ago? What do you tell your right and left hand? "Sorry" Son, battle with your homies, perhaps a circle jeck would be great, then you all could type one handed for a couple minutes.
Try to spell, think and deal with your life. God knows natural selection hasn't been applied in your case.
As fas seeing your girlfriend whenever you want, she must be some proze. I was speaking tongue in cheek.
Take pride in your youth, looks like you have no place else to go.
Now visiting you nutting. Good for you, what that takes you 15 minutes total? Good job lad! Three minutes each that gives your GF a break from you touching her. I am sure that great lady is grateful. That is if you can find someone at the bus station that will talk to you.
I have found you to be less than a bright person, not too smart and you spend too much time telling everyone what a great guy you are. Are you trying to convince me or you?
Personally, you are not even an amusement to me. The people that walk by and ask for a quarter probably get more ass than you. I know, they are homeless and don't have the impressive hoopdie that you do and seems they are better off not having a computer. Although, they seem to be more articulate than you.
I really hope you can find a Dr. for your affliction. Ar this point I am not sure if you need an MD or Ph.D I am thinking some therapy is in order. I tried to break it down for you. You don't seem to be the sharpest tool in the shed.
Just some advise brolly, good luck!